You as body, mind or soul ...
You as body, mind or soul are a dream. But what you really are is pure existence, knowledge, bliss. You are the God of this universe. You are creating this whole universe and drawing it in. To gain the Infinite, the miserable little prison individuality must go.... Follow the heart. A pure heart seeks beyond the intellect. It gets inspired.... Within you is the real happiness. Within you is the mighty ocean of nectar divine. Seek it within you. Feel it. Feel it. It is here, the self. It is not the body, the mind, the intellect. All these are simply manifestations. Above all these you ARE. You appear as the smiling flower, as the twinkling stars. What is there in the world which can make you desire anything?
The practice of the Siddha Yoga means keeping the mind always in the state of equanimity,No One Can Do Siddha Yoga, It Has To Happen.

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