Sunday 9 December 2012

Every human-being has 1.5 voltage of prana energy

Every human-being has 1.5 voltage of prana energy

Every human-being has 1.5 voltage of prana energy. It is not
sufficient to attain "samadhi". For attaining "samadhi" we need 12
voltage of prana energy. To increase this bio energy potential a
sadhaka has to practice meditation and purifying exercises. If
person's bio energy is increased, his several body-centers (chakras)
are developed, so physical and mental health improves. A person with
high bio-energy has much more mental capability and physical
capabilities. Such person also has high self-healing power. If person
has more bio energy like 12 voltage, then more prana energy flows to
brain centers. So brain centers are developed. A person has a
possibility to become super human. Then he can have an ultimate
experience of "samadhi" which is called kingdom of God,
Self-realization, Vaikuntha, truth, Go loka, freedom, moksha, etc.

How to meditate
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