Pushkar : A cure for all ills.
Pushkar Travel Blog
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October 9th, 2009 – by: Stevie_Wes
The Artist : adding interior decor to The Everest Hotel.
The Savitri Temple hill viewed afar over the Pushkar roofline.
Yes, an ailing lake can be a problem in this part of the world. The symptoms of drought, taking financial forms, can spread quickly throughout communities and economies increasingly dependent upon tourism. A few days later I find myself in Udaipur, stepping into an arched balcony area of the Bagore-Ki-Haveli to take in a solitary view of Lake Pichola with its famous luxury Lake Palace/ Hotel. I am not alone. A young man in his late twenties, dressed smartly in crisp white shirt and creased trousers sits staring blankly at the same.
The Golden Thread
'Do you know in July this year the lake was completely dry' Mohammed offers. 'Wow, seriously. It must've looked pretty ugly.' 'Yes, and things have been very bad for the last four years now. There has been almost no water in the lake.
Pressure on water tables means added pressure on agricultural yields means pressure on food costs for the producer and the consumer.
Gaudily over-painted but impressive architecture nonetheless
I look to the waters to cool my thoughts. These only just, and only recently replenished by a last minute flurry of another disappointing monsoon for the region.
Bangle Gutter
But a temporarily deceased lake is not such a drastic problem for the pilgrim and hippy haven of Pushkar. Not yet anyway. Whilst it may be the initial reason tourists and their cameras head here, it's not the reason they stay.
White and Orange
As we walk my eye keeps being caught by large messages paint-sprawled across several walls and water containers around town declaring 'AIDS is cured' before presenting a website address for 'the-comforter'.
The sad but necessary current incarnation of Pushkar's ailing lake.
Amidst his various miracles and achievements, the claim that through the power of meditation (instructions on site) one can be cured of such life threatening conditions as Cancer and HIV/ AIDS.
Red Threads
Ancient Indian sages learned, we are told, that 'diseases are not caused by accidental exposure to germs or pathogens as medical scientists believe' but rather 'that much of human suffering is actually caused by the actions of each individual in his/her past life.' Essentially your potential Cancer; your potential HIV/AIDS infection are a consequence of 'the spiritual Law of Karma'. Only Guru Siyag's yoga, Siddha Yoga, can succeed 'where modern medical science reaches its final limitations [and fails] in finding lasting relief or cure for a disease'. Siddha Yoga claims for itself the clinical Holy Grail of a 'Complete cure[for] AIDS'.
Rainbow Erections
Whilst I accept that too limiting a segregation of illness and disease classifications into the labels of purely 'physical' or purely 'mental' afflictions can be an over-simplifying and often unhelpful act, and whilst I have time for the therapeutic value of meditation and much time for the recognition that the relationship between the two spheres of the 'physical' and 'mental' can in some cases be of vital importance (i.e. a positive mental attitude - let's call it happiness and determination shall we - often prolonging a clinical decline or even reversing symptoms and maladies in some instances) HIV/ AIDS, without ARV (Anti Retro Viral) treatments, is beyond such pleasantries. It is a depressingly, mercilessly physical disease. Killing the sufferer by turning the body against itself and crumbling the white blood cell count and immune system from within.
Mother & Child (Lunch)
And there's a fair bit of religious crankology in Pushkar. Mostly harmless. A system of financial and semi-spiritual give and take that has blossomed (and cankered somewhat) around the lake shore.
I think these are blocks for printing patterns on cloths/ saris etc (either that or henna pattern print blocks)
The cost? It varies.
I'm game enough for a bit of fun so when being jostled by Mr 'I am a Brahmin Priest' ( looks like a liqueur store clerk to me) I just say 'How much?'.
Octagonal pavilion overlooking the desertified lake.
Pushkar Puddle :)
All these things though; Pushkar Passports, petals and piety false or otherwise are all part of the colour of a stay in Pushkar so don't let it all seep too deep beneath your skin. There are any number of little scams, designed to eke out a hard living within the town, and interacting (and avoiding them) are - as I say - part of the fun. The top ones to seriously avoid are the 'petal people' and the ornately dressed, often pretty, dark skinned (and often mobile phone clutching) gypsy girls of the area's more nomadic community who seek to daub very unprofessional henna patterns on you. Both these groups can and will try to extort laughably large sums of money from you once their 'services' have been proffered.
Other characters in town : the shrunken-as-raisons old babu's with their collection pots or smoking puja plates; their pals with the cows with the coloured horns and disturbingly withered yet auspicious 'fifth legs' dangling from their shoulders (a result of genetic aberration); friendly turbaned, moustachioed musicians and their wives; girls and boys offering to pose for photos; gypsy dancing ladies with impressive gold facial accoutrements inviting you to their dances and homes (and more?); their kin clutching small wicker baskets opened to reveal (hopefully, though cruelly de-fanged) black cobras within; small boys offering to be guides or dressed as little Krishnas or Shivas and so forth.
Pushkar Passports : the saffron and ochre bands (here tied about a tree) that people will sell to tie about your wrists.
You will meet this colourful cast time and again as you walk around and around Pushkar’s likewise colourful bazaars (famed for good cheap clothes shopping) and the little back and side streets lined with gigantic steaming pans of hot milk and oil for delights sweet and savoury alike, chai, and other treats glimpsed and inhaled as you slalom in-between representatives of the Pushkar Municipal Waste Disposal Authorities (cows and the occasional frowned upon pigs), Municipal Construction Company (cart dragging camels) and their various 'deposits'. Its a hard call. Where to put one’s eyes. Straight ahead, behind or to the ground? Or do you risk another upward glance at the in-between-cable flashes of gaudily painted yet antiquely beguiling Mughal town architecture, latticed windows, balconies and the like?
One sight you must at some point in your lazy days in hippy-dippy-trippy heaven take in is a view of the town and surrounding hills and plateaus at sundown from on high.
It's taking in another beautiful sunset from the rooftop restaurant of Everest Hotel with my often-companion at such times Glenn from Belgium, as the families of Langur monkeys begin to gather on the roof tops and play, that I have my unfortunate 'Bhang' lassi experience. 'Bhang' is marijuana and lassi is the traditional cool, refreshing Indian yogurt based drink. As you can guess a 'Bhang', or 'Special' lassi as careful menus often entitle them, is a lassi laced with... umm, ‘healthy’ amounts of 'the good herb'. Now the extent of my chemical experimentation in life (aside from alcohol) as I may have previously observed, extends very little beyond learning to spell 'pharmeceutical' correctly (oops! ... and my spell checker's just told me I've spelt it wrong! pharmAceutical of course ;) But ya know, on rare occasions, when in Rome.
Colour & Dust # 2
Happiness does a u-turn. The body begins to get strange. An internal fuzziness. A lightness; a tingling sensation and then a heaviness of limb. A feeling that recalls my early years as an asthmatic when lack of oxygenation would lead to a strange spreading bodily numbness. Something inside me begins to panic a little. An allergic reaction?! How bad is this going to get?! Oh f**k, oh f**k, oh f**k, why oh why oh why did I break the near habit of a life time?!.. am I being punished for my transgression? HOW bad is this going to get?!! Glenn looks a little worried on my behalf but does his bit trying to check my psychological pulse every couple of minutes to see if I respond.
The Sewing Machine
What can only be described as a feeling of hyper-dehydration has kicked in now. My body feels on fire. A raging, unquenchable forest fire. My tongue feels thick, my throat arid and no amount of water being drunk seems to make any difference. I'm quietly, constantly trying to focus on the conscious awareness that most, if not all these symptoms and sensations could be all, or the majority in my mind.
Lady and Indigo
Physical? Mental? Allergic reaction? All in the mind? I know the mind can override all and convince it of strange physicalities that have no foundation in reality. My family witnessed this process painfully at times with my mother when depression set her mind and her body against each other. Divide and conquer.
Mother & Child (Dinner)
'Steve I really think you should go lie down' Glenn enthuses for the umpteenth time. I finally relent, but I'm nervous to leave the eye line of people who can rescue me if things get really bad. This decision though means a fearful comedy of negotiating the eight flights of stairs back to my ground floor room.
* The Times of India (9July 2009)
** Following much debate and difference of statistical opinion the most recently 'agreed' and published statistics for India's position with regards HIV/AIDS infection rates approximate 2.5 million sufferers as at 2008. This equates to a 0.30% prevalence within the population rate of infection which whilst seeming a small percentage, means a lot of people in a country with a population of 1 billion and places India 3rd in global prevalence of infection standings behind Nigeria (2.
Mother & Child (Breakfast)
Source: http://travbuddy.com/travel-blogs/41672/Pushkar-cure-all-ills-218
Siddha Yoga In Short: | |||||||||||||||||||
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