Wednesday 21 October 2015

An Article published in Rajasthan Patrika News Paper: About Yoga-Meditation makes free from all types of addictions

An Article published in Rajasthan Patrika News Paper: About Yoga|Meditation|Spirituality| Yoga-meditation makes free from all types of addictions.


Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Superstar Rajinikanth's amazing speech on spirituality: Superstar Rajnikanth's spiritual speech

Superstar Rajinikanth's amazing speech on spirituality

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Shri Narendra Modi Science has proved that our aura has the power to determine our health

Shri Narendra Modi Science has proved that our aura has the power to determine our health

Respected India Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi - Science has proved that our aura has the power to determine our health

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Meditation The Film:Documentary about meditation :The Science and Spirituality of Meditation

The Science and Spirituality of Meditation : Documentary about meditation

'The Science and Spirituality of Meditation' is an investigation about the physical and psychological impact of meditation on the human body, especially for those who suffer from terminal illness. This documentary covers the research from three different continents of the world, collected in a period of over 5 years including documentation of long-term effects of meditative practices on HIV positive patients. A documentary strives a look at spiritual and scientific side of meditation, featuring interviews of: - Yoga guru Shri Ram Lal ji Siyag - who claims to cure terminal diseases. - Dr. Frederick Hecht- who is a professor at the University of California, San Francisco and has built a research program that focuses on mind-body interventions, particularly meditation and yoga. - Prof. Fahri Saatcioglu - who is a professor at the University of Oslo and has been researching on effects of meditational practices for more than a decade now. And several HIV-positive patients, who believe that they are getting cured by meditation.

Meditation The Film

 Meditation The Film:   Full Documentary

‪#‎meditation‬ ‪#‎yoga‬ ‪#‎Spirituality‬ #top

Documentary about meditation - Available worldwide :

iTunes :

Vimeo :

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Saturday 17 October 2015

Discovery of Spiritual Science

Here is a new innovative discovery of spiritual science in which we don't have to spend money neither to waste our time in months and years to learn yoga and meditation.

The Good news is that now we can get all the benefits sitting at home, absolutely free of cost.
Another surprise is that we are not required to put our mental or physical effort to meditate and practice yoga exercise.

In this new innovative method of Yoga, Meditation, Spiritual Evolution, Holistic Healing, Alternative Therapy or One may call it as "A Master Method" or the "Method of all Methods", the inactive dormant spiritual power known as Kundalini which resides in the sacrum or the last portion of the spinal cord, is activated by a transmission of power method termed as Shaktipat by Mantra.
Mantra is formula of Vedic Science which induces different effects or affects things or objects or Humans by the Vibrations generated from a combination of words as a conducting medium of spiritual power, energy or force to be transmitted from a Spiritual master.
The advantage of this method is that we can get the Kundalini power awakened by means of a "Online Process", sitting at home, anywhere in the World, absolutely free of cost.
There is no need to attend any Yoga or Meditation class or session, neither to spend money on traveling across the continents, looking for a Spiritual Master who can impart this
knowledge to us.

In this method known as Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga, a Seeker can get all the benefits of this method just at the click of a mouse button, of course without spending a single penny from his pocket.
Guru Siyag is a Spiritual Master who has made it possible, he imparts this knowledge and activates the dormant spiritual power Kundalini "Remotely", without any physical contact, wihout meeing the Seeker physical, not even once. He has finished off the need to meet him personally to get this activation of spiritual power, a Seeker can get it without even meeting Guru Siyag physically, hence there is no need to travel across the globe to get this knowledge or power, anyone can get it "Online", sitting at home.

One who is mentally prepared to receive this force with a positive approach can receive the Shaktipat from Guru Siyag, by means of the empowered enlightened Voice and Visual image of Guru Siyag Contained in Video Clips.

The effect is produced by the Vibrations of Voice and Visual image of Guru Siyag
This method awakens the Kundalini which in turn induces involuntary automatic Yogic kriyas or physical body movements to free the body from diseases and ailments, it occurs during the state of kundalini induced spiritual meditation when the Seeker sits in meditation for 15 to 20 minutes.
Automatic Yoga! Surprising, but it has begun. No effort from Practitioners side and his body undergoes involuntary automated physical body movements within a few minutes and even seconds, shocking, but it is a verifiable fact.

The Seeker is induced by deep spiritual meditation within a few minutes or even seconds, without any prior knowledge, neither learning nor practice required.

Participants undergo Automatic Yoga and spiritual meditation induced by the awkened inner spiritual power Kundalini during the state of meditation as per Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga method of meditation of 15 to 20 minutes session.

You can take off into the infinite world of Universal Consciousness, deep Spiritual Meditation, and you may undergo even the toughest of the Yogic Kriyas, Mudras, Pranayama, Bandh or Aasanas from the first day or the first attempt itself.

So Simple that you can experiment it on a 5 year Child also, he will get far more result than elders, because he does not possess Ego of any kind.

One can even experiment it using the following two methods also, one is using a Photo image of Guru Siyag (the Surrender method), and another method is without using the Photo image (the Challenge method).

(The Surrender Method )

  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • You can sit cross-legged on the floor, lie down, sit on a chair / couch etc., to meditate.
  • Look at Gurudev's picture for a minute or two until you can remember the image.
  • Then close your eyes and pray / say silently to
  • Gurudev, “Help me meditate for 15 minutes.” You can choose a time-limit according to your convenience, for eg, 5 / 10 /12 /… minutes.
  • Then, with your eyes still closed, think of Gurudev's image at the place between your eyebrows (also known as the third eye). This means that you have to try to imagine Gurudev’s picture in your mind.
  • While thinking of the image, repeat silently (Chant) for 15 minutes the secret divine mantra given by Guru Siyag.
  • If you have not been initiated by Guru Siyag, silently chant the name of any divine or spiritual entity you believe in such as Gurudev, Krishna, Jesus, Eloheim, Allah, Holy Father, Om, Love, Truth, Kundalini, Energy, Peace etc.
  • During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases.
  • Do not panic or worry. These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress.
  • You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past
  • and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path.
  • However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don’t need these experiences,
  • You will notice that your meditation will come to an end automatically exactly when you reach the time limit you had set mentally prior to starting meditation.

Method of Meditation

Select language  Download Meditation Method

Siddha Yoga In Short:
By Anyoneof any religion, creed, nationality 
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night 
For any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes   
Anywhereoffice, home, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, couch
In any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Facing any directionEast, west, south, north etc. 
By any agechild, young, middle-aged, old 
For any diseasephysical or mental and freedom from any kind of addiction 
For freedom from any stressrelated to family, business, work or existential questions

The intensity of the spiritual power’s reception and the time taken to get induced by the Spiritual Power depends upon our positive approach.

There are only two ways to get on the spot result in this experiment of Spiritual Science and that is either we must preferably SURRENDER (mentally or internally) in front of the Guru or less preferably the second option is to CHALLENGE the truthfulness of this Spiritual Power.

To get the real taste of Spiritual Science we have to either Surrender or Challenge, the choice is yours. It is a faith based process.

If the Practitioner discontinues the meditation and nama japa process, then once again he may be succumbed to earlier circumstances, problems or diseases.

The Challenge Method

1. Sit in a comfortable posture on the ground with crossed legs.
2. Close the eyes and concentrate on the Forehead between the Eyebrows.
3. Make a Mental Prayer to that Supramental Force, saying that if a Universal Consciousness Force, Supramental force, (Holy Ghost the Comforter, Next Prophet or Kalki Avatar, etc., different names of different faiths and beliefs) is Present on Earth, then I must get the proof, if the Supramental Force is Present on Earth, then I must go into automatic (Kundalini controlled) Spiritual Meditation for 15 or 20 minutes.
 4. After this mental prayer start continuous mental repetition (Chanting) of any one sacred word of your choice (God, Jesus, Allah, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, etc.,) in the mind without moving lips or tongue, simultaneously keep concentrating on the forehead between the eyebrows.
 5. Continue this process and within a few minutes you will be induced by automatic spiritual meditation, might even hear and see visualizations during this state of meditation. 
6. Don’t panic if your body starts moving
automatically during this process, these are the Yogic body movements (Real Yoga is induced automatically by inner spiritual power Kundalini), required to free the body from physical, mental and spiritual diseases of all kinds, these will stop automatically after 15 or 20 minutes, and you will come out of spiritual meditation into normal state.
7. To get complete results and benefits, it has to be practiced regularly in the morning and evening at any convenient time, empty stomach, before having food.
8. The time taken to get the results is totally dependent on our Positive approach and curiosity to realize the truth.
9. No barriers of Race, Religion, Cast, Country or Gender, no rules and no regulations. Another way to get into automatic spiritual meditation is by listening to Guru Siyag's voice with closed eyes.
The vibrations of this empowered enlightened Voice of Guru Siyag will induce and activate the inactive dormant Spiritual Power in You.

This can be experimented by carefully watching and listening to the series of Video Clips
“Online Shaktipat initiation by Guru Siyag Mantra” easily accessible for Free on the internet.

Even if You Don’t understand the Hindi Language in the Video, there is No Problem, because it is the Vibrations of Guru Siyag’s Voice that will Work and induce the Spiritual Power.

As a member of this Universal Consciousness, I have done my duty of conveying this message to you.
Hope for a positive response, best of luck.

Friday 9 October 2015

Interview of Guru Siyag in Hindi Lok Newspaper

सिद्धयोग करेगा भारत को एड्स मुक्त: गुरु सियाग

सिद्धयोग करेगा भारत को एड्स मुक्त: गुरु सियाग
धार्मिक संस्था अध्यात्म विज्ञान सत्संग केन्द्र, जोधपुर के संस्थापक व संरक्षक हैं रामलाल सियाग। इनके प्रशंसक इन्‍हें गुरुदेव के नाम से संबोधित करते हैं। सियाग भारतीय योगदर्शन और कश्‍मीरी शैव‍ सिद्धांत में सिद्ध बताये जाते हैं। इसके साथ ही कुण्‍डलिनी जागृत करने का दावा करते हैं। इनके भक्‍तों तो यह भी कहते हैं कि नाम-जप और ध्‍यान से एड्स व कैंसर जैसी असाध्‍य बीमारियां भी ठीक हो जाती हैं। सियाग के इन्‍हीं दावों और अन्‍य विषयों पर उनसे बातचीत...
सारी दुनिया के वैज्ञानिक और चिकित्सक एड्स को लाइलाज बता रहे है, जबकि आप ने दावा किया है कि एड्स की महामारी से भारत को मुक्ति मिल जाएगी, यह कैसे संभव होगा?
भारतीय योग दशन में वर्णित ‘योग’ का मूल उद्देश्‍य ‘मोक्ष’ है, परन्तु मानव को उस स्थिति तक विकसित होने के लिए उसके त्रिविध ताप (आदि दैहिक, आदि भौतिक और आदि दैविक) शान्त होना आवश्‍यक है। सिद्धयोग के जरिए ऐसा किया जा सकता है। तो, जिन रोगों को भौतिक विज्ञान असाध्य मानता है, उन रोगों से सिद्धयोग मुक्ति दिला सकता है। सही मायनों में देखा जाए, तो सिद्ध योग में कुछ भी लाइलाज नहीं है। इस बारे में महायोगी श्री मत्स्येन्द्रनाथजी महाराज ने कहा है कि योग वेद रूपी कल्पतरू का ‘अमरफल’ है जो साधक के त्रिविध तापों के शमन का क्रियात्मक पथ बताता है। पिछले कई वर्षों से इस सिद्ध योग के जरिए ध्यान साधना कर हजारों रोगी असाध्य समझे जाने वाले रोगों जैसे-एड्स, कैंसर, हेपेटाइटिस, अस्थमा, गठिया, लकवा, हिमोफिलिया इत्यादि से पूर्ण मुक्ति पा चुके हैं। चिकित्सा विज्ञान के परीक्षणों से भी उनके रोग मुक्त होने की पुष्टि हुई है। इसके बाद ही मैंने अपने शिष्यों को आदेष दिया कि वे देष भर में प्रचार करके अत्यन्त पीड़ादायक जीवन जी रहे रोगियों को सूचित करें कि सिद्धयोग द्वारा एड्स सहित सभी रोगों से मुक्ति संभव है, और वह भी बिना एक रूपया खर्च किए।
लेकिन आप तो पूरे देश को सिद्धयोग से एड्स मुक्त करने की बात करते हैं?
देखिए, एड्स संपूर्ण मानवता के लिए बहुत बड़ा खतरा बन गया है, इसलिए पूरी दुनिया उससे डर रही है। सिद्धयोग से सभी शारीरिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक रोग ठीक हो रहे हैं, किंतु एड्स का हल्ला ज्यादा है, क्योंकि यह कई अफ्रीकी देषों की युवा पीढ़ी को संक्रमित कर वहां के सामाजिक और आर्थिक ढंाचे को तहस नहस कर चुका है। भारत में भी यह तेजी से फैल रहा है। एड्स ठीक होने पर वैज्ञानिक गहराई में जाएंगे तो पायेंगे कि यह भारतीय योग दर्शन के कारण संभव हुआ है। मैं असंख्य सिद्ध गुरुओं की परंपरा को ही आगे बढ़ा रहा हूँ। सिद्धयोग की परंपरा अनादिकाल से भारत में चली आ रही है।
सिद्धयोग क्या है ? और अन्य प्रकार के योग जैसे ध्यान योग, हठ योग, जप योग इत्यादि से किस प्रकार भिन्न है ?
सिद्ध योग किसी सिद्ध गुरु द्वारा शक्तिपात करने के परिणामस्वरूप जाग्रत हो चुकी मातृषक्ति कुण्डलिनी द्वारा संचालित होता है, जबकि अन्य सभी प्रकार के योग मानवीय प्रयास से होते हैं। सिद्धयोग में अन्य सभी योग समाहित रहते है, अतः हमारे ऋषियों ने इसे ‘महायोग’ भी कहा है। शैव दर्शन के अनुसार, गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा में दीक्षा का विधान है। सभी प्रकार की दीक्षाओं में शक्तिपात दीक्षा को सर्वोत्तम माना गया हैं इसमें सिद्धगुरु षिष्य को चार प्रकार से दीक्षा दे सकता है - 
1. अपने दाहिने हाथ से षिष्य के आज्ञा चक्र को छू कर 2. मंत्र द्वारा, 3. दृष्टि द्वारा 4. योग्य पात्र केवल गुरु की मूर्ति या तस्वीर से ही पूर्णता प्राप्त कर लेता है, एकलव्य और कबीर इसके उदाहरण है।
चेतन मंत्र जाग्रत कुण्डलिनी साधक का शरीर, प्राण, मन और बुद्धि अपने अधीन कर लेती है और ध्यान की अवस्था में साधक को सभी प्रकार की यौगिक क्रियाएँ जैसे आसन, बंध, मुद्राएं एंव प्राणायाम सीधे अपने निंयत्रण में स्वयं करवाती है। मैं इसी की दीक्षा देता हूं. साधक चाहकर भी उसमें कोई हस्त़क्षेप नही कर सकता। वह न तो कोई यौगिक क्रिया प्रारम्भ कर सकता है, और न ही उसे रोक सकता है। इस प्रकार जो योग करवाया जाता है, वही सिद्धयोग है जो सभी प्रकार की बीमारियों, नशों व मानसिक तनाव से मुक्ति दिलाता है। साधक के शरीर का जो अंग बीमार होता है और पूरी क्षमता से कार्य नहीं कर रहा है, कुण्डलिनी षक्ति मात्र उसी का योग करवा कर उसे पूर्ण रूपेण स्वस्थ कर देती है।
क्या इससे सभी प्रकार के नशों व मानसिक तनाव से भी मुक्ति मिल सकती है?
हां! यह सभी परिवर्तन वैदिक दर्षन के ठोस सिद्धान्तों पर आधारित है, इसमें कल्पना का कोई स्थान नहीं है। जहाँ भौतिक विज्ञान रुक जाता है, वहीं से अध्यात्म विज्ञान प्रारम्भ होता है। भौतिक विज्ञान अपूर्ण दर्षन है, जबकि भारतीय अध्यात्म विज्ञान अपने आप में संपूर्ण विज्ञान है। गुरु द्वारा चेतन किए गए मंत्र के मानसिक जाप से साधक सभी प्रकार के नषों से, बिना किसी कष्टदायक पीड़ा के सहज रूप से पूर्ण मुक्त हो जाता है। भगवद् गीता और पतंजलि योग सूत्र में इसका कारण बताते हुए स्पष्ट किया गया है कि मनुष्य की तीन वृत्तियां होती है, सत्तोगुणी, रजोगुणी और तमोगुणी। हर मनुष्य में इन तीनों में से एक वृत्ति प्रधान होती है और शेष दो गौण। इस प्रकार मनुष्य में जो वृत्ति प्रधान होती है, वह जैसा खाना पीना माँगती है, षरीर को वह देना आवश्‍यक हो जाता है। अन्यथा शरीर में भंयकर पीड़ा होने लगती है। भौतिक विज्ञान के पास वृत्ति परिवर्तन की कोई विधि नहीं है, इस कारण चिकित्सक नशा छुड़वाने में असमर्थ रहते हैं। वैदिक दर्शन सभी प्रकार के नषों से पूर्ण मुक्त होने की क्रियात्मक विधि बताता है। भगवद् गीता के चौदहवें अध्याय में और पातंजलि योग सूत्र के कैवल्यपाद के दूसरे सूत्र में वृत्ति परिवर्तन की व्याख्या की गयी है। मंत्र के जाप से तामसिक और राजसिक प्रवृत्तिया षान्त होकर सात्विक प्रवृत्ति प्रभावी हो जाती है और साधक के खान-पान, आचार-व्यवहार में पूर्ण बदलाव आ जाता है।
और मानसिक तनाव?
आज संपूर्ण विश्व में भंयकर तनाव व्याप्त है और पश्चिमी देशों में मनोरोगियो की संख्या सर्वाधिक है। भौतिक विज्ञान नशे की दवाईयों के सहारे मानव के दिमाग को षान्त करने का असफल प्रयास कर रहे हैं। दवाई का नशा उतरते ही पहले से अधिक तनाव आ जाता है और उससे सम्बन्धित रोग यथावत बने रहते हैं। वैदिक मनोविज्ञान अर्थात् अध्यात्म विज्ञान, मानसिक तनाव को शान्त करने की भी क्रियात्मक विधि बताता है। भौतिक विज्ञान की तरह भारतीय योगदर्शन भी नशे को पूर्ण उपचार मानता है, परन्तु वह नशा ईश्वर के नाम का होना चाहिए, किसी भौतिक पदार्थ का नहीं। हमारे संतों ने इसे हरि नाम की ‘‘खुमारी’’ कहा है। सद्गुरुदेव श्री नानक देव जी महाराज ने कहा है - भांग-धतूरा नानका उतर जात परभात। नाम खुमारी नानका चढ़ी रहे दिन-रात।।
यही बात संत कबीर दास जी ने कही है- ‘नाम-अमल’ उतरै न भाई। और अमल छिन्न-छिन्न चढ़ि उतरै। ‘नाम - अमल’ दिन बढ़े सवाया।।
भगवदगीता में भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण ने योगी की स्थिति का वर्णन करते हुए पाँचवें अध्याय के 21 वें श्‍लोक में ‘ नाम-खुमारी’ को अक्षय आनन्द कहा है और छठे अध्याय के 15, 21, 27 व 28 वें श्लोक में इसे परमानन्द पराकाष्ठावाली षान्ति, इन्द्रियातीत आनन्द, अति उतम आनन्द तथा परमात्मा की प्राप्ति रूप अनन्त आनन्द कहा है। मैं मंत्र के रूप में हरि का जो नाम अपने शिष्यों को मानसिक रूप से जपने के लिए देता हूँ, उससे वे इस दुर्लभ आनन्द की स्थिति में पहुंच जाते हैं और सभी प्रकार के मानसिक तनाव और संबंधित रोगों से पूर्ण मुक्ति प्राप्त कर लेते है।
आपका यह मानना है कि पूरा विश्व इस अद्भुत ज्ञान को प्राप्त करने के लिए भारत आएगा और भारत पुनः एक बार विश्व-गुरू की प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त कर लेगा। क्या ऐसा होगा?
ऐसा ही होगा और अगले कुछ वर्षों में यह संभव हो जाएगा। देखिए, इस युग का मानव शांन्ति चाहता है और भौतिक विज्ञान से अपेक्षा लगाए बैठा है। लेकिन जैसे-जैसे विज्ञान विकसित हो रहा है, वैसे ही शांति दूर हो रही है और अशान्ति फैल रही है। चूंकि शान्ति का सम्बन्ध अन्तर आत्मा से है, अतः विष्व में पूर्ण शांति मात्र वैदिक मनोविज्ञान के सिद्धान्तों पर ही स्थापित हो सकती है। अन्य कोई विचारधारा अथवा दर्शन यह काम कर ही नहीं सकता। इसलिए पूरे विश्व के सकारात्मक लोग भारत की पवित्र भूमि से ही इस ज्ञान को प्राप्त करेंगे। हमने उनसे तकनीकी ज्ञान सीखा है, अब हम उन्हें आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्रदान करेंगे। संस्कृतियाँ आदान - प्रदान के सिद्धान्त पर चलकर ही जीवित रहती है। यदि हम लेते ही जाएगें और देने के नाम पर हमारे पास कुछ नहीं होगा तो हमारे देश और संस्कृति का भविष्य खतरे में पड़ जाएगा। पश्चिम के पास अपार भौतिक धन है, हमारे आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान को सीखने के लिए वह अपना धन हमे सौंप देगा। भारत से जितना धन अब तक बाहर गया है, वह ब्याज समेत वापस आएगा, तभी हमारे गरीब नागरिकों के कष्ट मिटेंगे और देश उन्नत होगा। इसमें ज्यादा समय नहीं लगेगा, आप देखते जाइये। लेकिन आज स्थिति बेहद खतरनाक है और आर्थिक-सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक सभी ओर से भारत पर शिकंजा कसा जा रहा है। आप क्या समझते है, मैंने भारत को एड्स मुक्त करने की घोषणा भावुकता में भर की है ? इसके पीछे मेरा गहरा मंतव्य है। अगर हम समय रहते एड्स पीड़ितों को सिद्धयोग के दिव्य प्रभाव के बारे में सूचित नहीं कर पाए तो देश में भयावह स्थिति पैदा हो जाएगी। जिस अपसंस्कृति का पोषण हो रहा है, उससे खतरा बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ जाने वाला है। लेकिन यदि एड्स रोगी मेरे दिए हुए मंत्र का नियमित जाप करता है तो वह चाहे किसी भी और कारण से मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो, लेकिन एड्स से हर्गिज नहीं मरेगा।
लेकिन कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि एड्स उतना बड़ा खतरा नहीं है, जितना बताया जा रहा है।
एड्स से पीडि़त 90 प्रतिशत रोगियों की आयु 20 से 40 वर्ष की आयु के बीच के हैं। संपूर्ण युवा पीढ़ी पर खतरा मंडरा रहा है। इसे नजर अंदाज करना मूर्खता होगी। सिद्धयोग में दीक्षित होने के लिए कोई आर्थिक, सामाजिक अथवा धार्मिक बंधन तो नहीं है ?
वैदिक दर्शन किसी धर्म विशेष अथवा राष्ट्र विशेष मात्र के उत्थान की बात नहीं करता बल्कि संपूर्ण विष्व के कल्याण की कामना करता है और उसे भौतिक रूप में करके भी दिखाता है। यह मानवीय विकास और मानव दर्शन की बात करता है। सिद्धयोग से हर जाति, धर्म और देश का नागरिक लाभान्वित हो सकता है। शक्तिपात दीक्षा कार्यक्रम, जो मैं प्रत्येक गुरुवार को आयोजित करता हूँ, पूर्णतया निःशुल्क है इसलिए कोई आर्थिक बंधन भी नहीं है।
लेकिन भारत जैस विशाल देश में आप कैसे प्रचार कर पाएंगे?
मेरा काम भौतिक संसाधनों की कमी के कारण नहीं रुक सकता। इस देश में सच्चे और आस्तिक लोगों की कमी नहीं है, जो सिद्धयोग से लाभान्वित होकर स्वतः प्रचार कार्य में जुट जाएंगे। रही बात देश भर में फैले एड्स पीड़ितों तक पहुँचने की तो मैं यह बता देना चाहता हूँ कि अगर कोई रोगी, मेरी तस्वीर को अपने आज्ञा चक्र पर स्थिर करके नियमित ध्यान करेगा तो भी उसे पीड़ा से छुटकारा मिल जाएगा। मेरी संस्था की एक वेबसाइट है जिसमें ध्यान की विधि बताई गई है। इस वेबसाइट से भी काफी लोगों को लाभ पहुंचा है।
क्या सिद्ध योग का प्रचार-प्रसार देश भर में योग संस्थान खोलकर किया जा सकता है?
यह केवल गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा से ही संभव है। दुनिया के कई देशों में योग की कक्षाएं लगती है, योग के विद्यालय व विश्वविद्यालय है लेकिन फिर भी भारतीय योग दर्शन में वर्णित लाभ साधकों को नही मिल रहे हैं। योग के नाम पर मात्र कसरत करवाई जा रही है। यदि कक्षा लगाकर योग सिखाया जा सकता तो अमरीका के अधिकांश नागरिक योगी बन चुके होते। शारीरिक कसरत योग नहीं है। योग का अर्थ है आत्म-साक्षात्कार। इसके लिए सिद्ध गुरु की जरूरत है।



Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

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Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

An Article published in title- Quotes of Guru Siyag -Siddha Yoga Meditation Spiritual Science Vedic Patanjali Yoga Philosophy – Video

Quotes of Guru Siyag -Siddha Yoga Meditation Spiritual Science Vedic Patanjali Yoga Philosophy – Video

Quotes of Guru Siyag -004 -Siddha Yoga Meditation Spiritual Science Vedic Patanjali Yoga Philosophy
Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga is an easy-to-do meditation and chanting based yoga. Siddha Yoga seeks to take practitioners to the pinnacle of evolution and ultimately bring about the Divine Transformati…
By: Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

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Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Kriyas: Shaktipat, Kundalini Kriya Experiences: Video collection: Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga

Kriyas: Shaktipat, Kundalini Kriya Experiences: Video collection:Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga

This page has links to some incredible videos about Kriya, Kundalini Shaktipat initiation, Kundalini awakening experiences and Pranic movements (called Kriya.)
Please try to understand the scientific process behind 125,000 types of Kriyas or Spiritual experiences that can happen to Sadhak, before watching Kundalini Kriya videos below
Kriya: Understand the science - of spontaneous movements of Kundalini awakening
Kriya is Sanskrit world meaning "action, movements or effort" and Prana is the Sanskrit word for vital energy. Kriya (Pranic movements) are the foundation of Siddha Yoga. The people (in videos below) are experiencing release ofKundalini Shakti and the spontaneous Kriya Yoga associated with Kundalini initiation.

This phenomena is universal and occurs all the times and all the places when Kundalini is awakened. These are the Kriyas or Pranic movements. Kriyas are spontaneous movements resulting from the awakening of Kundalini as this intense energy moves through 72,000 nadis and clears our physiological blocks; This process continues for several years after the Kundalini more at Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening

Often during Kundalini awakening and for several years thereafter the seeker will experience spontaneous movements that can be subtle, mysterious and very uncommon. Think of it as Cosmic energy that kicks in as soon as the seeker sits down for meditation after Shaktipat initiation. It is very important to understand that this is JUST a "purification and correction" process (initiated by Kundalini awakening) that should eventually disappear (possibly after several years or decades of practice).

These motions will resemble spasms and jerks of varying frequency and introduce fear into the mind of seeker who is experiencing this (and especially their loved ones who aren't prepared and knowledgeable enough to understand the reasons behind these movements.) It is expected of people lacking the knowledge of Kundalini to take a negative view towards Kundalini Kriya.

The frequency and intensity of the Pranic movements or kriyas will vary from person to person. The kriyas will come and go and are not to be feared.
Kriya: They are neither "God's power" nor "Possession by Ghosts" - Kriya are Cosmic Science
Many people (that do not have any knowledge about Kundalini) categorize these as "God's power" while some call this "being possessed by Ghosts" and most of the people will tell you that this is a fake show.

Believe me, this is none of these. What you see in the videos below is an absolutely scientific process of that cosmic power called "Kundalini" in action. It should also be noted that these people (having Kriya) are no different than other ordinary people (who do not experience the Kriya.) They may be (or may not be) one step ahead of those that do not follow the path of Siddha Yoga. Nothing great about it. There is high possibility that there are many people in this world that are way advanced in Divinity than the initiated people in the videos below. Kundalini is like a Nuclear weapon provided to you in your divine battle. You need to learn and master this weapon in order to win the ultimate war (with your mind) to attain the goal of Self-Realizion.

The Kriyas are natural process in the path of Siddha Kundalini Yoga. Don't give too much importance to these Kriyas because they must stop at some point of time as individual's spiritual body or Pranik Kosha and Subtle Body (Linga Sharira) and Causal body (Karana Sharira) get purified.

It is very important to understand that the Kundalini is the reflection of universal cosmic energy (call it God's energy) that has ability of creation itself. Kundalini is an incredibly powerful store of psychic energy and it can be called as energetic intelligence or cosmic consciousness. Kundalini knows what is required to be done to you better than you know it. (this is the reason why Kundalini Yoga is Supreme Yoga and much simpler than the Hatha yoga) more at Kundalini FAQ

Kriya are the effort by kundalini to cleanse seekers system (physical as well as spiritual). Therefore, while most of the seekers will have kriyas to some extent, it is not necessary that everyone will have the kriyas. All depends on the spiritual level of an individual, their past karma impressions and the consistency of efforts. Some seekers may NOT have any Kriyas but their progress will still continue, same as those who are having Kriya. In short, understand the Kriya and ignore them.

Here are some of the Videos that show the Kriya in action. DO NOT feel surprised after watching these clips. These are very natural processes and you shall notice they are so different in case of each individual. I have practiced Siddha Yoga (or Kundalini Yoga) for over 25 years and I have experienced some of these during my meditation and I still continue to do so.

Last but not the least: Having Kriya is just the start of spiritual journey. Most of the people leave (stop) this journey somewhere on their way because of lack of spiritual interest or scientific knowledge about the Kriya and the path of Siddha Yoga. Only one in tens of thousands reach the ultimate Goal - Self-Realization.
Infinite power of Kundalini - The follower does not get any of those powers
Even though Kundalini is powerful, she will never hand that power over to the follower of Kundalini Yoga. If someone is doing Kundalini Yoga to attain her powers, it is simply not going to happen. The role of Kundalini is to help you walk the treacherous path of Divinity, not to give miracle powers to the follower. The power of miracles (Siddhis) is handed over to the Sadhak only after they have attained the Divine ability to not to use this power (ironic isn't it?). All the people in the videos below are just helpless (in terms of control over the way Karma works) same as an ordinary man on the street.

I have practiced Siddha Yoga (or Kundalini Yoga) for over 30 years (in this life) and I have experienced some of these during my daily meditation. I have walked this path for many lives before this one (life) and I will continue this few more (lives) before I attain the ultimate goal of Self-Realization. Believe me, Kriya videos below may be amazing (or bizarre to some) but the path of Divinity is extremely difficult and long one. Do you have patience to walk this path?
Kriya Videos: These Videos are about Kriya NOT about Gurus
Important Note: I do not know any of the Shaktipat Gurus (masters) in the videos below nor do I recommend any one of them. After all, recommending Gurus on internet is a risky business. SmileyFace All the links provided below are purely for informational purpose, to show how Kriya happen after Kundalini Shaktipat initiation (or cosmic awakening.)

All these are videos of Kundalini Kriya. Call them incredible or amazing or bizarre if you want to. But, trust me, these are Kriyas that DO happen (to most of the people) after Kundalini awakening. The people in these videos are NOT DOING these Kriyas. They are just letting the Kriya HAPPEN. They are letting mother Kundalini to work her way in them.

kriya: Amazing shaktipat kriya Kundalini in action - video
Amazing Shaktipat Kriya in action (14 Seconds)
Mass Shaktipat Deeksha by Guru Siyag 
Another Mass Shaktipat Deeksha (10 minutes)
Dans initiation by Guru SiyagAmandas initiation Guru Siyag
Dan’s initiation: Movements after awakening (9 minutes)Amanda's initiation: by Guru Siyag - Part 1 (9 minutes),Part 2 (4 minutes)

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

An Article published in forum: Advanced Yoga Practices

What is automatic yoga?

The process of enlightenment is built into our nervous systems, and it is an automatic process. All we have to do is facilitate it with consistent twice-daily yoga practices, and the nervous system knows what to do.

Sometimes spontaneous movements will happen as the nervous system tells the body some position is needed to help the purification. These movements are called "automatic yoga", and this was probably where all of yoga asanas (postures) came from to begin with.
When these movements happen, we just let them, and return to our practices, as they are just more "scenery" along our path.

To learn how to facilitate this automatic process of enlightenment, click on "Main Lessons" above or read more here:
Movements and Automatic Yoga
Free form versus Structured practices
Handling Automatic Yoga and Siddhis
Meditation Sensitivity and Head Movements
Meditation and Automatic Yoga (a dialog)

At the forum:
involuntary movement during meditation

Source and other related topics:

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

An Article Published(About Guru Siyag) in : Title- New year, new you !

Automatic yoga by Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur
feb2014_17_Ramlal-Ji-SiyagAdhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodpur is a non-profit voluntary organisation which propagates wellness of mind, body and spirit through Siddha Yoga or Automatic Yoga. The service is provided free of charge to people. With the blessings of Divine Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag, who is the only master of Automatic Yoga on earth any layman can experience automatic yogic movements during meditation. The benefits of Siddha Yoga:
1. With regular practice of Automatic Yoga, the person is permanently freed from all kinds of diseases, disorders and stress.
2. Freedom from all types of addictions. Increase in the grasping and concentration power of students.,

source :

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)