Saturday 14 November 2015

Anahat Nād; Anahat Naad Unstruck Sound: Cosmic Sound (अनहत नाद): Guru Siyag's Yoga Experiences

Anahat Nād; Anahat Naad Unstruck Sound:
Cosmic Sound (अनहत नाद)

Anahat Nād (अनहत नाद): A lot of Guru Siyag's disciples experience the Anahat Nād. We have been asked a number of times what it is and what its experience implies. Below is a brief note on this topic (courtesy GSY disciple Jui Pagedar).

Nād (नाद) in the ordinary sense means sound of any kind. It is created when one object touches, strikes, ruffles or hits another object. Thunder in the sky, rustling of the wind, chirping of birds, strains of instrumental vocal music, whirring of machines, blast of guns, and many other natural or man-made sounds fall in this category of physical sound. 

The term Nād however has a different and special connotation in Yogic literature and practice. Nād in spiritual sense is an unstruck sound — a sound which has not been created by the friction between any objects. It is a ceaseless sound which pervades the entire universe. According to ancient scriptures like the Vedas and the Upanishads, it is from this Anahat (eternal / endless) sound that the entire universe came into being. In fact it is also said that Nād is the manifestation of the divine absolute itself in the form of sound, ‘Om’. It is this divine sound that connects the seeker with higher planes of consciousness. 

Many Guru Siyag’s Yoga practitioners, after experiencing the Ajapā Jāpa (involuntary chanting) stage begin to hear a peculiar non-stop sound in one of the ears. This sound resembles any one of the limitless varieties of natural or manmade sounds. Some of the commonly experienced sounds are: chirping of crickets, buzzing of bumble-bees, notes of a flute, strumming of Veena (a stringed Indian musical instrument), pealing of bells, clash of cymbals etc. This sound that the practitioner hears is called the Anahat Nād (endless sound).

Though this Nād resembles sounds commonly heard in our physical world, it is actually a subtle version of the divine sound that the mantra given by Gurudev represents (Vaikhari Vāni वैखरी वाणी or the articulated word is the grossest form of divine sound energy). So the practitioner actually becomes aware of (or senses) rather than hears the Nād.

As the Nād is a subtler form of Gurudev’s mantra, and it is always the seeker’s endeavor to ascend to subtler planes of consciousness,the practitioner must stop chanting once the Anahat Nād begins. Before one stops chanting, it is important to ensure that the Nād can indeed be heard ceaselessly and is not a brief experience. Listen to the sound carefully for a couple of days. If the intensity of sound grows and can be even in a noisy environment, then know that what you hear is the Anahat Nād. Gurudev advises disciples to listen to this Nād intently as much as possible.

By listening to the Nād with concentration for long periods, the practitioner’s wavering mind gets attuned to the divine sound and eventually becomes one with it. During meditation, the human body acts as the medium for receiving and experiencing vibrations from subtle planes that lie far beyond our physical world. Therefore, Nād that a seeker hears in his ear is not a physical sound but a subtle sound emanating from its original divine source. 

The significance of Nād can be seen in the context of Gurudev’s lucid explanation of how an individual’s spiritual evolution is directly linked to the descent of the divine into matter when the universe was created through ‘Om’, the unstruck sound. The creation of the physical universe happened through five sequential stages when Om, the divine itself, descended from Ākāsh (sky/ ether), the highest plane, through Vāyu (wind), Agni (fire) and Jal (water) onto Prithvi (earth). Each one of the five descending elements represented a grosser form of the divine than the previous one. Prithvi represents the grossest form of matter where the divine settles down and assumes myriad forms — from human to the tiniest of insects and germs. 

There is a subtle element called Tanmātra behind each natural element. These Tanmatras give us our five physical senses. Thus sky has Shabd (speech), the divine word or sound as a subtle element; wind has Sparsh (touch); fire has perception (seeing); water has Swād (taste) and earth has Gandh (smell). These physical senses tie us down to the material plane as a result of which we forget our true divine self and get mired in the illusion of joys and sorrows.

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

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Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Sanjeevani Mantra: A mantra that infuses life thereby Cures terminal diseases like Cancer and Aids: How to Get Sanjeevani Mantra for free

Sanjeevani Mantra: A mantra that infuses life thereby Cures
terminal diseases like Cancer and Aids

The Mantra that Guru Siyag gives during his initiation is a Sanjeevani Mantra.

What is Sanjeevani Mantra? 

 Sanjeevani (or Sanjivani) is a Sanskrit word (Old-Indian language) and is translated most directly as the "immortal", "the infinite life“ or as "life giving". 

In the Hindu mythology Sanjeevani is described as a magical plant which can wake dead people to the life, or which lends immortality.

This plant is mentioned in the Ramayana, as, during the war with Ravana, Lakshmana was wounded and was almost killed by Indrajit. Hanuman (the monkey God) was called, to bring Sanjeevani from the mountain Dronagiri in the Himalayas. When he reached the mountain, Hanuman was not able to identify the herb, and decided to lift the complete mountain, and brought it to the battlefield.

Similar to the the Mythical Sanjeevani Herb, the Mantra that Guru Siyag gives to his disciples is a Sanjeevani Mantra. It can bring, 'almost dead' people to life. All that person has to do is to silently  chant the mantra in his mind. This chanting should be done through out the day and night as much possible.

Such is the power of this mantra that even terminal diseases like Cancer and Aids can be cured by chanting of this mantra. 

Here is the process of getting this mantra and method to use it:

Step 1: Watch the following short video to receive Guru Siyag's Mantra Initiation. This mantra must be received in Guru Siyag's voice only. That is the reason you need to watch this video from Guru Siyag.

By listening to above video and receiving the divine mantra, you will be completing the initial process of getting the divine spark (Also known as Shaktipat in Sanskrit). You need to do this step only one time.

Step 2: Meditate two times a day 15-30 Minutes using the simple method listed in the link below:

Step 3: Mentally and silently chant the Mantra received in step 1 throughout the day and night as much as possible

That’s all. Isn't that easy and simple!

Now what? Here are few things that may or may not happen with you. Every ones experience is different. So if your experience is different do not panic. Continue with the practice.

During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice-versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases. Do not panic or worry. These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress.
You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path.

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that you are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences. Go to the "
" section to read more on this topic

Here on... all you need to do is meditate two or more times a day as per the link provided and chant the divine mantra silently in your mind as much as possible throughout the day.

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

How does Guru Siyag's, Sanjeevani Mantra differ from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Mantra

How does Guru Siyag's, Sanjeevani Mantra
differ from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Mantra

To answer the question "How does Guru Siyag's, Sanjeevani Mantra differ from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Mantra?" 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's TM (Transcendental Meditation) technique is well publicized by popular media and many celebrities all over the world. I have not personally practiced TM so I cannot claim to have deep understating of the TM. Nevertheless I have respect and regard for the TM.

Some of the aspects of TM are secret and are revealed only to TM Teachers and Students, for example student should not reveal the Mantra to anyone. Just from my knowledge of TM from public sources here are some differences between TM and Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga:

GSSY mantra and meditation is free of charge. Any one can receive mantra and method of meditation from website free of charge. Guru Siyag's in person programs and Deeksha program by CD/Projector are also always free as well. On the other hand, for TM mantra one has to pay around $1000 and up to $4000 for Advance Programs. This is not to say that charging money is bad, in fact some students may benefit as they will be sincere in their practice because they have made substantial investment. In his infinite unmotivated kindness Guru Siyag has decided to give this knowledge free of charge as he has received it from his Guru completely free.

There is only one mantra and one method of meditation in GSSY, there are no advance/refresher classes/courses to attend. In TM there are advance classes and courses to attend.

GSSY mantra is to be received in Gurudev's voice only, either in person or as video/audio recording of him giving the mantra. By doing so Shaktipat happens and Kundalini force is awakened in the student. On the other hand TM Mantra is provided by Teachers trained for this purpose.

In GSSY every one receives the same mantra. In TM Teacher decides which mantra is to be given to the student, so mantra that a student receive could be different then the mantra received by other students.

Also in TM Students will have to learn and practice multiple mantra's as they will receive other mantra's as part of advance courses. On the other hand, Guru Siyag's mantra is 'All in One" which will help the practitioner in all worldly as well spiritual needs.

Sanjeevani Mantra given by Guru Siyag has been passed on from time immemorial through unbroken chain of Guru and disciple. As per Guru Siyag this mantra has power and energy of all the past Guru's that passed on the mantra to the current generation.

Benefits of GSSY is broader then that of TM. Major benefits of TM is reduction of Stress and anxiety. On the other hand, GSSY heals physical diseases including Cancer Aids, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and even genetic diseases like hemophilia. Relieves Psychological and Emotional disorders. Frees practitioner from addictions without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms.

Practitioner of GSSY experience spontaneous movements during meditation which includes Aasana's, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas, Pranayam etc. These are brought about by Kundalini force spontaneously and are tailor made for each practitioner. TM on the other hand is mental meditation only and no physical movements are involved. In TM some of the Hath Yoga aspects like Aasana and Pranayam are taught as part of Advance Courses but core TM meditation does not involve physical movements.

Hope that helps.

Siddha Yoga Meditation,Health Benefits Of Practicing Yoga,Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga Spiritual Experience

Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga Spiritual Experience

A few months ago I watched a video on youtube of this master/guru giving a skaktipat initiation with a mantra phrase that was to be repeated after the initiation. I did not think much of it and thought it was not going to do much. After watching the video and receiving the mantra and initiation to my utter amazement i felt like some kind of energy was coursing through my spine. It completely took me by surprise. On the website of this guru it was stated that after you are initiation you should visualize the guru's picture and chant the mantra silently. On the website it also stated that after you receive initiation when the kundalini starts to get activated you body will start performing all kinds of yogic postures and breathing exercises by itself. So after I received the initiation I sat down to meditate and started repeating the mantra and immediately I felt like my body wanted to move. To my utter amazement and disbelief my body started to move and perform yogic postures one after the other. The postures my body was doing were so unique that I had never seen them in any book or movie anywhere. This lasted for about 1 hour straight without stopping. It felt like I was in a meditative state and my body was like a doll being moved into different postures with incredible precision. After the mediation I felt very peaceful and centered. It was like a natural high, it was one of the most incredible and amazing things that has happened in my entire life. I also decided to let my mother watch the videos and she experienced the exact same thing, so it was not just me. She was equally astounded and could not understand how this was even possible. When we started talk afterwards and to compare the postures we noticed that the routines that were performed were very different. So it seems that the kundalini knows each person's body and what needs to be done to achieve optimal results. I have been doing this form of yoga for the past several months now and over time the exercises have shifted from physical postures to very heavy breathing exercises and breath retention with all kinds of abdominal and chin locks and many mudras (hand gestures). The sheer variety and combinations of these involuntary yogic movements has left me absolutely speechless and in absolute awe. I was a big skeptic of these spiritual masters/gurus. I always thought most of them were con-men, but this guru really changed all that.

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Easy and practical method for healing at energetic, psychological and physical level...

Easy and practical method for healing at energetic, psychological
and physical level...

Anita Moorajani was given 36 hours to die from end stage cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma). Instead she experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE). There after she rapidly recovered, to much suprise of her doctors. During her Near Death Experience Anita gained some great isnights about cancer, diseases and about life.

Here are excerpts from her interview in 2006 soon after she was cured of cancer:


"I then started to understand how illnesses start on an energetic level before they become physical.  If I chose to go into life, the cancer would be gone from my energy, and my physical body would catch up very quickly.  I then understood that when people have medical treatments for illnesses, it rids the illness only from their body but not from their energy so the illness returns.  I realized if I went back, it would be with a very healthy energy.  Then the physical body would catch up to the energetic conditions very quickly and permanently.  I seemed to become aware that this applies to anything, not only illnesses – physical conditions, psychological conditions, etc.  I became aware that everything going on in our lives was dependent on this energy around us, created by us."

“The understanding I gained from this was that if cancer was not in our “energy”, then it was not in our reality.  If feeling good about ourselves was in our energy, then our reality would be positive.  If cancer was in our energy, then even if we eradicated it with modern medicine, it would soon come back.  But if we cleared it from our energy, the physical body would soon follow. None of us are as “real” or physical as we think we are.  From what I saw, it looked like we are energy first, and physical is only a result of expressing our energy.  And we can change our physical reality if we change our energy."

Anita recovered from cancer after experiencing Near Death Experience. Now NDE is not something that we can experience at will. Yet Anita gained significant insight into the nature of diseases and its cause so as to help for rest of Humanity. 

One of the biggest insights was that any disease can be cured if our energetic body is healed.

One of the easiest methods of healing energetic body of any disease is by the practice of Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga. It is very easy and practical method of healing our body at energetic as well physical and psychological level. Countless people have been cured of so called insurable diseases like cancer and aids. Many people have been cured of chronic conditions like diabetes, arthritis, asthma, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism etc.  Even cases of genetic disease hemophilia have been healed. 

Here is the process of getting this mantra shaktipat and method of meditation:

Step 1: Watch the following short video to receive Guru Siyag's Mantra Initiation. This mantra must be received in Guru Siyag's voice only. That is the reason you need to watch this video from Guru Siyag.

By listening to above video and receiving the divine mantra, you will be completing the initial process of getting the divine spark (Also known as Shaktipat in Sanskrit). You need to do this step only one time.

Step 2: Meditate two times a day 15-30 Minutes using the simple method listed in the link below:

Step 3: Mentally and silently chant the Mantra received in step 1 throughout the day and night as much as possible

That’s all. Isn't that easy and simple!

Now what? Here are few things that may or may not happen with you. Every ones experience is different. So if your experience is different do not panic. Continue with the practice. 

During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice-versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases. Do not panic or worry. These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress. You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path. 

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that you are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences. Go to the "FAQ section to read more on this topic
Here on... all you need to do is meditate two or more times a day as per the link provided and chant the divine mantra silently in your mind as much as possible throughout the day. 

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Real Shaktipat, Real Kundalini Yoga Right Here Right Now...

Real Shaktipat, Real Kundalini Yoga Right Here Right Now...

What is Shaktipat?

Shaktipat is the transfer of spiritual energy from the teacher to the student in order to awaken the kundalini. 

Now what is Kundalini?

In every human being there is a source of divine energy that the yogis call the Kundalini. In order to evolve spiritually, no matter what our path, the kundalini must be active.
For most of us, the kundalini lies dormant at the bottom of the spine in the base chakra known as the Muladhar. When it awakens, it ascends through the chakras until it reaches the highest chakra, the Sahasrar. When that occurs, we merge with our True Self and attain realization.

When the teacher is fully realized and the energy is completely within his or her control, Shaktipat initiation ensures that the student’s energy will remain active and stable.

Here I am about to share with you, a method where you will be able to receive real Shaktipat initiation online, right here, right now. This you will be able to do by watching a short video where Guru Siyag is giving Shaktipat Initiation by giving you a mantra. 

Now, who is Guru Siyag? Guru Siyag and enlightened spiritual master who have been given divine power to grant Shaktipat initiation by his Guru, Baba Gangai Nath. This tradition of unbroken chain of Guru and Disciple has been continued in India since time immemorial. 

Only a spiritually enlightened master has the ability to grant Shaktipat. Powers of a real Shaktipat Guru is omnipresent and omnipotent that is the reason he is has the power to grant Shaktipat initiation to anyone who watches his online initiation video. 

Guru Siyag gives Shaktipat initiation by giving a mantra or divine word or a small phrase. 

Once you watch this video, your Kundalini will be awakened. Now to be clear, just because your Kundalini has been awakened it does not mean that you are enlightened. All it means is that the Kundalini which lies dormant at the base of the spine at the lowest chakra has been awakened. Once Kundalini has been awakened, it will try to move up the spinal cord. For us to be spiritually enlightened, this Kundalini energy should move all the way up to the highest chakra called crown chakra (Shasrar). When we say that Kundalini has been awakened some people equate that to Kundalini reaching its final destination of Crown Chakra. For that, we will have to do some work. Guru Siyag says that Enlightenment is not a toy that he can hand over to us. So for us to make progress we must engage in a daily spiritual practice. This daily spiritual practice will purify our body and help Kundalini move up the Chakra system of the body. In the process we will realize all the benefits that come with the realization of powers of different chakras of the subtle body.

Although it is hard to believe that Shaktipat initiation can be given via the method of online video recording of Guru giving the divine mantra, make no mistake it is real Shaktipat mantra initiation. While watching the video pay careful attention to how the mantra is pronounced by Guru Siyag. While you are listening to the voice of spiritually enlightened Guru Siyag, it is the vibrations of the voice of Guru Siyag which does the magic of passing of divine spark so as to awaken Kundalini energy. 

After receiving the divine Sanjeevani mantra you need to perform daily spiritual practice of Siddha Yoga.
What does the daily practice involve? Daily spiritual practice is very simple. Daily spiritual practice consists of silent mental chanting of the divine mantra that you will receive through online Shaktipat video. I will share the link for the video in a little bit. Second component of daily spiritual practice is two meditate two times a day for duration of 15-30 minutes. I will be sharing the method of meditation as well. It is very simple.

Most of the disciples start to experience classical symptoms of Kundalini awakening from their very first meditation. 

Before I explain to you the symptoms of Kundalini Awakening let’s talk about Kundalini Yoga. In essence all Yoga and Meditation are Kundalini Yoga. Why? The purpose of yoga is to either awaken the dormant Kundalini or if it has been awakened then to make it move the spinal channel so that it reaches the top most chakra in the head. 

Now Siddha Yoga is the most powerful Kundalini Yoga.

First reason is that, in Siddha Yoga very first step is the awakening of dormant Kundalini energy due to grace of enlightened Guru Siyag. This is in contrast with Hath Yoga where in absence of an enlightened Guru goal of performing different Yogic practices is to somehow awaken the Kundalini from it dormant state. This practice of Hath Yoga or the Yoga being taught in Health Clubs and Yoga Studios helps the body to gain better health. But it is very time consuming and in many cases where Kundalini is disturbed it has proved harmful as well. Since there is no Guru watching over the progress of Kundalini energy, there are many people who have suffered dangerous side effects of Kundalini awakening. 

On the other hand in Siddha Yoga, Kundalini awakening happens due to grace of Shaktipat Guru. Once Kundalini is awakened Guru keeps a watchful eye over the progress of Kundalini energy rising and there are no harmful side effects. This happens at a very subtle plane. Guru's energy is all pervading. Although Guru Siyag's has millions of disciple all over the world, it is a mystery how he is able to control the progress of so many disciples day and night. 

Once Kundalini is awakened, most of the practitioner will experience different yogic kriyas, movements, poses happening own their own accord. These yogic movements are customized to the requirement of each practitioner at that movement of time. So only those kinds of Yoga movements will happen which are required to heal particular ailment of that practitioner. The yogic movements experienced during Siddha Yoga meditation is brought about by the all-knowing intelligence of Kundalini. Practitioner cannot decide which yoga posture etc. he would experience, nor can he force the order of these yogic movements. Yogic movements, postures, kriyas, bandhas, breathing techniques experienced during Siddha Yoga are not limited by any yoga text book. In fact it was the Hatha yoga which was codified by watching the Yogic Movements being experienced during Siddha Yoga. In Siddha Yoga even most advanced poses and kriyas like Sambhavi Mudra, Khechari Mudra happen own their own and with no difficulty at all. While many other Yoga Guru only talks about nectar, amrit, in Siddha Yoga countless disciples are experiencing Khechari Mudra spontaneously and tasting Nectar or Amrit. 

All this happens after practitioner immerses himself in the daily practice of short mediation two times a day as well as relentless mental chanting of divine mantra given by Guru Siyag.

 Without much ado, here is the process of getting this mantra shaktipat and method of meditation:

Step 1: Watch the following short video to receive Guru Siyag's Mantra Initiation. This mantra must be received in Guru Siyag's voice only. That is the reason you need to watch this video from Guru Siyag.

By listening to above video and receiving the divine mantra, you will be completing the initial process of getting the divine spark (Also known as Shaktipat in Sanskrit). You need to do this step only one time.

Step 2: Meditate two times a day 15-30 Minutes using the simple method listed in the link below:

Step 3: Mentally and silently chant the Mantra received in step 1 throughout the day and night as much as possible

That’s all. Isn't that easy and simple!

Now what? Here are few things that may or may not happen with you. Every ones experience is different. So if your experience is different do not panic. Continue with the practice. 

During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice-versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases. Do not panic or worry. These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress. You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path. 

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that you are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences. Go to the "FAQ section to read more on this topic
Here on... all you need to do is meditate two or more times a day as per the link provided and chant the divine mantra silently in your mind as much as possible throughout the day. 

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

More info at -

Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga Experiece of one of the disciple

Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga Experiece of one of the disciple

Here is the experience of one person who started to practice Siddha Yoga by watching Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga Video Online:


A few months ago I watched a video on youtube of this master/guru giving a skaktipat initiation with a mantra phrase that was to be repeated after the initiation. I did not think much of it and thought it was not going to do much. After watching the video and receiving the mantra and initiation to my utter amazement i felt like some kind of energy was coursing through my spine. It completely took me by surprise. On the website of this guru it was stated that after you are initiation you should visualize the guru's picture and chant the mantra silently. On the website it also stated that after you receive initiation when the kundalini starts to get activated you body will start performing all kinds of yogic postures and breathing exercises by itself. So after I received the initiation I sat down to meditate and started repeating the mantra and immediately I felt like my body wanted to move. To my utter amazement and disbelief my body started to move and perform yogic postures one after the other. The postures my body was doing were so unique that I had never seen them in any book or movie anywhere. This lasted for about 1 hour straight without stopping. It felt like I was in a meditative state and my body was like a doll being moved into different postures with incredible precision. After the mediation I felt very peaceful and centered. It was like a natural high, it was one of the most incredible and amazing things that has happened in my entire life. I also decided to let my mother watch the videos and she experienced the exact same thing, so it was not just me. She was equally astounded and could not understand how this was even possible. When we started talk afterwards and to compare the postures we noticed that the routines that were performed were very different. So it seems that the kundalini knows each person's body and what needs to be done to achieve optimal results. I have been doing this form of yoga for the past several months now and over time the exercises have shifted from physical postures to very heavy breathing exercises and breath retention with all kinds of abdominal and chin locks and many mudras (hand gestures). The sheer variety and combinations of these involuntary yogic movements has left me absolutely speechless and in absolute awe. I was a big skeptic of these spiritual masters/gurus. I always thought most of them were con-men, but this guru really changed all that.

If you are interested here are the videos. The guru's name is Guru Siyag.

mantra videos initiation 1:
mantra videos initiation 2:

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

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Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Why do various yogic kriyas and asanas differ from practitioner to practitioner under Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga (GSSY)?

Why do various yogic kriyas and asanas differ from practitioner to
practitioner under Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga (GSSY)?

In conventional yoga practice, practitioners are made to perform uniform or similar yogic exercises by a yoga trainer because that system does not take into account each practitioner’s different physical, mental and spiritual background. Also, the conventional yoga practice lacks divine element. So it neither offers the practitioner any permanent health benefits nor leads him to self realization (atmagyana) necessary to attain Moksha, which is the real purpose of yoga.

In contrast, anyone who observes Guru Siyag’s disciples meditating in a big group together is amazed to see each of them going through different and seemingly difficult yogic postures and movements during meditation without self-effort. Under Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga (GSSY) system, the practitioner is not required to learn and perform any yogaasanas by his own efforts. GSSY is totally based on awakening and invoking of the divine Shakti Kundalini lying dormant in every human body. It is this awakened Kundalini that induces various yogic movements and kriyas in the practitioner’s body during meditation. The movements in turn heal those limbs and organs which are affected by disease. The practitioner can neither stop nor start this yogic movements by his own effort. Only an enlightened guru Guru Siyag can awaken a seeker’s Kundalini by initiating him into Siddha Yoga. The Kundalini is awakened when the disciple chants Guru Siyag’s divine mantra relentlessly and meditates every day.

All individuals differ from each other in respect of their physical and mental makeup. This is true even if they are from the same family or are closely related. Also, each individual carries in this life the burden of Karmas from his past lives. The Kundalini is a feminine divine cosmic energy force which is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. She knows every living creature’s past, present and future in detail, and is therefore called the Mother of the Universe. So when the Kundalini is awakened, she deals with each individual differently. Acting in accordance with the Siddha Guru’s influence, she induces only those yogic postures in an individual seeker which she knows are best suited to cure the limbs or organs in his body that are affected by any diseases, addiction or any other afflictions he may have. This is the reason why yogic movements induced by Kundalini differ from practitioner to practitioner.

According to yogic texts, samskara (deep impressions or seed habit patterns) of past lives and karma of the present one shape the course of our present life. These actions also result in Adidehik (physical), adibhautik (mental) andadidaivik (spiritual) diseases. One can free himself completely from this Trividhi-taap (threefold affliction) only by taking recourse to a Siddha Guru and practicing Siddha Yoga Sadhana (spiritual practice) regularly. Guru Siyag says, “Throughout the world only physical exercises are being performed in the name of Yoga. When I went to the United States of America I saw that there too, Yoga meant physical exercise. But the aim of the Yoga described in Vedic philosophy is Moksha or liberation from the cycle of life and death. In fact, Vedic philosophy does not speak of diseases at all. For instance, the Patanjali Yoga philosophy has 195 aphorisms (sutras) and none of those mention anything about diseases. The philosophy speaks of the ways in which the imprints (samskaras) of past lives can be destroyed.” Conventional yoga system or modern medical treatment can only provide temporary relief from chronic/terminal diseases but not lasting cure, which only spiritual practice can offer.
When the seeker’s body and mind is purified GSSY, he becomes aware of the true purpose of his life and progresses on the spiritual path under Guru Siyag’s guidance.

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

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Watch Zee News Channel 6.30 A.M.-7.00 A.M.(Every Thursday)