Saturday 20 June 2015

Live : Gurudev Siyag's Siddha Yoga Program at Ramleela Maidan, New Delhi on International Yoga Day.(Live Streaming)

Live : Gurudev Siyag's Siddha Yoga Program at Ramleela Maidan, New Delhi on International Yoga Day.

Scheduled for Jun 21, 2015
LIVE telecast of Sadgurudev Siyag’s Mass Meditation Program on International Yoga Day, June 21, 2015 at Ramlila Maidan. A public display of Kundalini awakening.

Spiritual Science begins from the point where physical sciences end and goes much ahead of them. It explains the working method for evolutionary development of mankind by which all problems of humanity will be solved and mankind will reach the highest evolutionary stage. Till then humans will continue to live like beasts, exploiting and fighting each other.

To give a practical demonstration of universal effects of Spiritual Meditation and Siddha Yoga, a large group meditation program is being organised on the occasion of International Yoga Day on June 21, 2015, at Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi.

All scientists, doctors, psychologists, researchers, inquisitive students, mediapersons and spiritually conscious people are cordially invited to attend this spiritual meditation program and to explore the “effects” in the larger interest of humanity.

The objective of this group meditation program is to prove that spiritual science is way beyond the realm of modern physical sciences, and therefore it can complete their incomplete tasks.
We are confident that after attending this program you will also say that spiritual science can help physical sciences in establishment of peace and unity in the world.
Every inquisitive person, irrespective of religion, caste, gender or nationality can attend this free program and experience the divine benefits.

About Guru Siyag

Sadgurudev Shri Ram Lal Ji Siyag (88) comes from a very humble farmers’ family from Bikaner (Rajasthan). He was blessed with the power of Shaktipat by his Guru Baba Shri Gangai Nath Ji Yogi from Jamsar (Bikaner), due to which the spiritual aspirant's Kundalini Shakti gets awakened.
During spiritual meditation on Sadgurudev Siyag’s image, this awakened Shakti induces automatic yogic movements in the body of the practitioner and gradually frees his/her body of all physical, mental and spiritual diseases, including the ailments which are considered incurable by modern medical science. During this purification of body, mind and spirit, thousands of patients have been cured of deadly diseases like AIDS, CANCER, Hepatitis, Hemophilia etc and now live a healthy life.
In addition to getting a disease free healthy body, the spiritual meditation also helps in getting rid of long term addictions and mental ailments.
As the awakened Kundalini rises from “Muladhar” (base of spinal cord), the practitioner undergoes a divine transformation and becomes a Satvic person after attainment of self-realisation and self-visualisation. When Kundalini reaches “Sahasrar” (crown of the head), the ultimate goal of Moksha is achieved during one’s lifetime itself. Sri Aurobindo termed it as Terrestrial Immortality.
Sadgurudev Siyag has conducted hundreds of free spiritual meditation programs in India and abroad to help millions of people to benefit from Kundalini Awakening to lead a healthy, happy and satvic (virtuous) life.

About AVSK

Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra (AVSK) was founded in 1993 by Sadgurudev Shri Ram Lal Ji Siyag to help the humanity in spiritual evolution through Kundalini Awakening.
For the last two decades, AVSK has been organizing Sadgurudev Siyag’s Shaktipat Initiation Ceremonies in different parts of the country. All these ceremonies are open and absolutely free for everyone. 

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अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर होगा सिद्ध योग का प्रदर्शन (Sidh Yoga on International YogaDay at Ramleela maidan): Aajtak(

अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर होगा सिद्ध योग का प्रदर्शन
(Sidh Yoga on International YogaDay at Ramleela maidan)
अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर दुनिया भारत के अद्भुत ज्ञान से रू-ब-रू होगी. वहीं, भारत के लोग भी अपनी सदियों पुरानी योग की अन्य पद्धतियों को सामने लाएंगे.
ऐसी ही एक पद्धति है सिद्ध योग . इसका प्रदर्शन रामलीला मैदान में 21 जून की शाम होगा. योग की इस पद्धति में हर आदमी अपने शरीर मन और आत्मा की स्थिति के मुताबिक कुदरती तौर पर योग आसन करता है.
सिद्ध योग- योगियों की साधना पद्धति
सदियों पुराने इस ज्ञान को सिद्ध और नाथ पंथियों ने विकसित किया. योग की इस सिद्ध पद्धति में हरेक आदमी अपने शरीर और मन के मुताबिक अलग-अलग आसन करता है और ये सब कुछ होता है गहन ध्यान में. ध्यान में जाकर कुंडलिनी जागृत होती है तब शरीर मन और आत्मा का अंतर मिट जाता है. इसके बाद आत्मा और मन के आदेश पर शरीर अपने आप शरीर की जरूरत के मुताबिक आसन या प्राणायाम करने लगता है.
सिद्ध योग साधक राजेंद्र कुमार ने कहा, 'इसमें हर कोई गुरु का ध्यान करता है और उसका शरीर अपने आप उसे आसन करने की प्रेरणा देता है. यानी एक प्रशिक्षक सबको एक ही आसन कराये ऐसा नहीं है.'
योगी गंगाई नाथ की शिष्य परंपरा में जोधपुर के आध्यात्म विज्ञान केंद्र के गुरु राम लाल सियाग के शिष्य रामलीला मैदान में 21 जून को अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की शाम सिद्ध योग के साधक अपनी साधना का प्रदर्शन करेंगे. दावा ये भी किया जा रह है कि इस पद्धति से कई असाध्य रोगों का निदान किया गया है.
सिद्ध योग साधक डॉ. कुलदीप ने कहा, 'कई बीमारियां ठीक हुई है. ये तो जीवन पद्धति है. पश्चिम में भी इसका प्रभाव बढ़ रहा है.' अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस दुनिया के लिए भी नया है और भारत के लिए भी. यानी भारत का सदियों पुराना ज्ञान सबके सामने आने वाला है.
Source: Aajtak…/sidh-yoga-on-international-yoga-…
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Watch Zee News channel at 6:30 A.M.- 7:00 A.M.(Every Thursday)

Symbolic Image

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work      

Saturday 6 June 2015

On the occasion of "International Yoga Day June 21" : International Yoga Festival

On the occasion of "International Yoga Day June 21", Sunday, 5 pm at Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi All scientists, researchers, inquisitive students, media persons and spiritually conscious people are welcome to attend this group meditation program and explore the 'results' in the interest of large humanity - See more at:

What is YOGA ?

A common mistake is to associate yoga with only physical exercises for fitness and general bodily well being. The real essence of ancient yoga masters of India was never limited to just physical health. Yoga by definition mean ’plus’ or ’addition’, it’s an addition of self with the divine. However this body is the instrument through which this union of self with divine can be achieved and so yoga starts with body but gradually one reaches the levels which are beyond body and beyond mind too. Thus a serious yoga practitioner of seeker should not just limit to the physical aspect of it.

1.Huge number of disciples of Guru Siyag will join the grand event, will share their experience.
2.The Shakitpat initiation and meditation will be conducted.
3.Interview of persons who are living healthy life was suffered from dreaded diseases (specifically of AIDS, Cancer and other incurable diseases) will be presented.
4.Officials, medico scientist and researchers are joining the event to validate and experience the mentioned results.

International Yoga Festival

Most of the people believe that yoga is physical exercise but yoga is far beyond that. Yoga in not only for body but it is also for our mind & soul. Yoga means Union. Union of breath with body, mind with muscles & also union of self with divine. Yoga is not related to any religion.

For Yoga you don’t need to worship some god or follow some particular religion or even chant some mantras. Yoga is a science which is used for better health, peaceful life and stress less mind since ancient time

  "During meditation, you shall

undergo such kinds of Yoga

which you wouldn't have seen also,

but will occur as per the

requirement of your body only".
-Sadgurudev Sri Siyag

This 'Siddha Yoga' will awaken 

the 'Kundalinni' power,

which is present in 

a dormant state, in your body"
-Sadgurudev Sri Siyag

"My Photo induces meditation, 

because I have attained both 



'SagunSaakar' and


-Sadgurudev Sri Siyag

SadGurudev Sri Siyag has set out to distribute the divine Yoga among world’s positive people. For the same cause we are celebrating and organizing a GSSY programme on this International Yoga Day 21 June 2015.

Sadgurudev Sri Siyag’s Siddha Yoga

Among the various paths of yoga none is as potent and as wholesome as Gurudev 
Siyag’s Siddha Yoga. This yoga encompasses all the aspects of yoga and frees the
 practitioner from all kind of physical mental and spiritual ailments and opens the 
doors of blissful life. By the divine grace of Gurudev Shri Siyag ji the hidden mother
 power of universe is awakened. This power is also called “kundalini” or the serpent
 power by our ancient yoga masters. This power is inside all of us but it remains
 dormant until an awakened/enlightened master’s grace wakes it up. The divine
 grace of Gurudev Shri Siyag ji comes in the from a radha-krshna mantra in the
 voice of sad-gurudev. By regular chanting of this mantra the kundalini power of 
practitioner get awakened.
Once awake this power starts to rise up inside the spinal column of body and in its path it 
cleans up the nervous system. This clean-up of nervous system results in various involuntary
 (automatic) movements in the body and many of these movements are “locks/bandhas” or 
“mudras” or“asanas” which are exactly the same as required for the tone up of that part of
 body/mind/spirit conundrum which has some ailment or disease. Practitioner experiences
 innumerous such postures and movements without having ever read or heard about it. 
This way the rising kundalini frees practitioner from the most dreadful diseases.
 However it is not limited only to that. Next it starts to clean our mind and soul. Our
 thoughts and behavior changes. Discipline, morality, truthfulness, patience, compassion
 and many other virtues start to show up in the practitioner. Slowly and steadily this
 rising power of kundalini cleans up the mirror of our hearts and one starts feeling the
 divine presence all around and the mind wave calms down. At advanced stages when 
a practitioner experiences a state of thoughtlessness or “Samadhi” which is a state of 
total bliss.