Sunday 25 August 2013

"Guru Siyag's" Photo induces a state of meditation during which the practitioners

Say it in the whole World, Meditating on "GuruSiyag's" Photo induces a state of meditationduring which the practitioners body undergoesautomatic involuntary physical body movementsknown as "Yogic kriyas" called "Yog" (The RealAncient Yoga) induced by the awakened inner
mother Power "Kundalini", to free the body
from all kinds of physical and mental ailments,
finally aimed at all round and complete
development of Human Being. The most surpring
fact is that all this begins using a mere Photo
image, another interestin thing is that Any
interested Person can practically Experiment and
Realize it right now, sitting in any corner of the
World, using the "online shaktipat initiation
Video of Guru Siyag" and the Method of
Meditation using Guru Siyag Photo, available for
free download at- or can be
found by searching on the net. The only
requirement for obtaining result from this
method is Positive approach and internal
Surrender towards Guru Siyag. Go ahead, it
takes minutes to feel the Shock  

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :

जिनके ओजस्वी वचनों से गूंज उठा था विश्व गगन, वही प्रेरणा पुंज हमारे, स्वामी पूज्य विवेकानंद

जिनके ओजस्वी वचनों से गूंज उठा था विश्व गगन,
वही प्रेरणा पुंज हमारे, स्वामी पूज्य विवेकानंद |

ऐसा महान व्यक्तित्व जो सत्य सनातन परम ज्ञान का अविलम्ब चिंतन करते थे | ईश्वर को साक्षात अनुभव करने वाले, युवाओ के आदर्श, पुरे संसार पर अपनी विनम्रता, साहस, शक्ति और ओजस्वी वचनों से विजय प्राप्त करने वाले, आज उन स्वामी विवेकानंद जी की पुण्यतिथि है | अनवरत प्रवास, स्थान-स्थान पर लोगो के बीच जाकर धर्म और सेवा कार्यो और निरन्तर कठिन साधना के बीच उनकी मृत्यु ३९ वर्ष की छोटी सी आयु में हो गयी | वो सदा हमारे प्रेरणा स्त्रोत रहेंगे और उनके आदर्शो पर चलकर भारत एक दिन अखंड होगा और अपनी आध्यात्मिक शक्ति से जग को प्रकाशित करेगा |

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :

एक बार एक किसान की घड़ी कहीं खो गयी. वैसे तो घडी

एक बार एक किसान की घड़ी कहीं खो गयी. वैसे

तो घडी कीमती नहीं थी पर किसान उससेभावनात्मक रूप सेजुड़ा हुआ था और किसी भी तरह उसे वापसपाना चाहता था.उसने खुद भी घडी खोजने का बहुत प्रयास किया,कभी कमरे मेंखोजता तो कभी बाड़े तो कभी अनाज के ढेर में….पर तामामकोशिशों के बाद भी घड़ी नहीं मिली. उसनेनिश्चयकिया की वो इस काम में बच्चों की मदद लेगा औरउसने आवाजलगाई , ” सुनो बच्चों , तुममे से जो कोईभी मेरी खोई घडी खोजदेगा उसे मैं १०० रुपये इनाम में दूंगा.”फिर क्या था , सभी बच्चे जोर-शोर दे इस काम मेंलगा गए…वेहर जगह की ख़ाक छानने लगे , ऊपर-नीचे , बाहर,आँगन में ..हरजगह…पर घंटो बीत जाने पर भी घडी नहीं मिली.अब लगभग सभी बच्चे हार मान चुके थे और किसानको भी यही लगा की घड़ी नहीं मिलेगी, तभी एकलड़का उसकेपास आया और बोला , ” काका मुझे एकमौका और दीजिये, परइस बार मैं ये काम अकेले ही करना चाहूँगा.”किसान का क्या जा रहा था, उसे तो घडी चाहिएथी, उसने तुरंतहाँ कर दी.लड़का एक-एक कर के घर के कमरों में जानेलगा…और जब वहकिसान के शयन कक्ष से निकला तो घड़ी उसकेहाथ में थी.किसान घड़ी देख प्रसन्न हो गया और अचरज सेपूछा ,” बेटा,कहाँ थी ये घड़ी , और जहाँ हम सभी असफलहो गए तुमने इसेकैसे ढूंढ निकाला ?”लड़का बोला,” काका मैंने कुछ नहीं किया बस मैंकमरे में गया औरचुप-चाप बैठ गया, और घड़ी की आवाज़ पर ध्यानकेन्द्रित करनेलगा , कमरे में शांति होने के कारण मुझेघड़ी की टिक-टिक सुनाईदे गयी , जिससे मैंनेउसकी दिशा का अंदाजा लगा लिया औरआलमारी के पीछे गिरी ये घड़ी खोज निकाली.”Friends, जिस तरह कमरे की शांति घड़ी ढूढने मेंमददगार साबितहुई उसी प्रकार मन की शांति हमें lifeकीज़रूरी चीजें समझने मेंमददगार होती है . हर दिन हमें अपने लिएथोडा वक़्तनिकालना चाहिए , जसमे हम बिलकुल अकेले हों ,जिसमे हमशांति से बैठ कर खुद से बात कर सकें और अपनेभीतरकी आवाज़ को सुन सकें , तभी हम life को औरअच्छे ढंग सेजी पायेंगे...

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :

Awakening of Kundalini

Awakening of Kundalini

Since Kundalini is the cosmic energy that originates from the Supramental Consciousness, it is an omniscient force, which enables the Yoga practitioner to realize his true self. Once this self-realization is achieved, the Yoga practitioner is led to Moksha, the final liberation from worldly existence and its attendant miseries.
There is a close link between Kundalini and an intricate network of 72,000 Nadis, vein-like structures that exists in the whole of the human body. Three of these Nadis are like arterial ways that spiral upwards from the base of the spinal column all the way to the roof the brain, called Sahasrara. The middle artery, also considered the major pathway, is known as Sushumana. The other two arteries on either side of Sushumana are called Ida and Pingala. Six Chakras and three Granthis — consciousness centers or cosmic energy hubs are located vertically above one another at brief intervals in Sushumana.

This entire network of Nadis, Chakras and Granthis exists in another dimension not known to science, in so subtle a form that no high-tech laboratory gadgets can ever detect its presence. However, when Kundalini is awakened through chanting of Guru Siyag's divine mantra and meditation, it rises through Sushumana to reach Sahasrara, its final destination where its master — Param Shiva — the eternal supramental consciousness resides. As it spirals upwards through Sushumana, the Kundalini energizes the whole network of ‘Nadis' and pierces the Chakras one by one. The awakened Kundalini gets connected directly to the Supramental Consciousness through the Sushumana pathway. As a result of this, every pore and cell in the human body is purified and purged of its bodily and mental afflictions, making the Yoga practitioner energized and ready for the onward spiritual journey. The outward manifestations of this cleansing process are Yogic Kriyas or involuntary body movements that occur during Siddha Yoga meditation. Swaying from side to side, rapid movement of the head, clapping and uncoordinated movement of hands are some of the most typical of these Kriyas.

To an untrained or uninitiated observer, these may look bizarre or even alarming. But they are neither abnormal nor do they cause any bodily harm. Kundalini, being an all-knowing energy force, is aware of which body part or organ is in acute need of healing or cleansing. So, the Kundalini makes the practitioner perform Kriyas that are specific to his needs. With this cleansing, the practitioner is cured of all kinds of chronic and even terminal diseases such as HIV, AIDS, cancer, arthritis etc., and genetic disorders like hemophilia, mental afflictions too are completely cured and stress is completely relieved.

Also, the piercing of different consciousness centers equips the practitioner with Siddhis (powers) such as increased intuition, the ability to see unlimited past and future and perceive the existence of worlds beyond the physical one that we live in. When the Kundalini reaches Sahasrahara, the practitioner's spiritual journey is complete as it is here that he realizes his true self. This realization releases him from the bondage of Karmas, which are the root cause of all human miseries. It is also here that the seeker realizes that he is himself the Brahma, the eternal Supramental Consciousness, the state which also known as Moksha.

However, Kundalini cannot be awakened by merely reading yoga books or by following a yoga trainer's instructions. The very central purpose of Yoga is to promote spiritual evolution of human race. Therefore, only a spiritual master like Guru Siyag, who has attained the highest level of spiritual consciousness himself, can awaken the dormant Kundalini.

This entire network of Nadis, Chakras and Granthis exists in another dimension not known to science, in so subtle a form that no high-tech laboratory gadgets can ever detect its presence. However, when Kundalini is awakened through chanting of Guru Siyag's divine mantra and meditation, it rises through Sushumana to reach Sahasrara, its final destination where its master — Param Shiva — the eternal supramental consciousness resides. As it spirals upwards through Sushumana, the Kundalini energizes the whole network of ‘Nadis' and pierces the Chakras one by one. The awakened Kundalini gets connected directly to the Supramental Consciousness through the Sushumana pathway. As a result of this, every pore and cell in the human body is purified and purged of its bodily and mental afflictions, making the Yoga practitioner energized and ready for the onward spiritual journey. The outward manifestations of this cleansing process are Yogic Kriyas or involuntary body movements that occur during Siddha Yoga meditation. Swaying from side to side, rapid movement of the head, clapping and uncoordinated movement of hands are some of the most typical of these Kriyas.
To an untrained or uninitiated observer, these may look bizarre or even alarming. But they are neither abnormal nor do they cause any bodily harm. Kundalini, being an all-knowing energy force, is aware of which body part or organ is in acute need of healing or cleansing. So, the Kundalini makes the practitioner perform Kriyas that are specific to his needs. With this cleansing, the practitioner is cured of all kinds of chronic and even terminal diseases such as HIV, AIDS, cancer, arthritis etc., and genetic disorders like hemophilia, mental afflictions too are completely cured and stress is completely relieved.
Also, the piercing of different consciousness centers equips the practitioner with Siddhis (powers) such as increased intuition, the ability to see unlimited past and future and perceive the existence of worlds beyond the physical one that we live in. When the Kundalini reaches Sahasrahara, the practitioner's spiritual journey is complete as it is here that he realizes his true self. This realization releases him from the bondage of Karmas, which are the root cause of all human miseries. It is also here that the seeker realizes that he is himself the Brahma, the eternal Supramental Consciousness, the state which also known as Moksha.
However, Kundalini cannot be awakened by merely reading yoga books or by following a yoga trainer's instructions. The very central purpose of Yoga is to promote spiritual evolution of human race. Therefore, only a spiritual master like Guru Siyag, who has attained the highest level of spiritual consciousness himself, can awaken the dormant Kundalini.

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :

कुण्डलिनी शक्ति क्या है ? कुण्ड का अर्थ है कोई पदार्थ किसी...

कुण्डलिनी शक्ति क्या है ?कुण्ड का अर्थ है कोई पदार्थ किसी पात्र में

संग्रहित है जैसे ,जल का कुण्ड अर्थात जल एक गढ़े मेंसंग्रहित हो कर जल कुण्ड बन गया | ठीकउसी प्रकार हमारी शक्ति एक कुण्ड में संग्रहित हैवह शक्ति जो परमात्मा ने हमें उपहार स्वरुप दिया है| वह शक्ति जिसके द्वारा हम जीवित हैं |वहशक्ति जो हामारे रक्त शिराओं में रक्तको प्रवाहित करता है | वह शक्ति जो हमारेविभीन भावनाओं को मह्शूश कराता है आखिर हमभावनाएं कैसे मह्शूश करते हैं | हम प्रेम ,घृणा ,क्रोध ,आनंद आदि कैसे मह्शूश करते हैं | कौन भीतरबैठ कर यह सब मह्शूश करता है |और किसकेद्वारा मह्शूश करता है | ये हमारे रहश्य में उतरने केपहले के प्रश्न हैं जो सार्थक हैं |अधिकांशव्यक्ति इन प्रश्नों पर ध्यान नहीं देता क्यों ?क्योंकि वह वासनाओं से परेशान वह नित्यप्रति अपनी क्षुधा पूर्ति में लगा रहता है ,काम मेंडूबा रहता है और जब इससे थोडा उपर उठता हैतो हम सुखी रहेंगे भविष्य में इसलिए धन कमा सकेंऐसा सोचता है मोटर बँगला के चक्कर में पडजाता है | ये बुरा नहीं है किन्तु इसमें हीं डूबजाना ठीक नहीं |ईश्वर ने अदभुत शक्ति दी हमारे अंदर वह हैसंतानोत्पति की क्षमता किन्तु हम इसमें हीं डूबजातें हैं | डूब जातें है का मतलब संतान उत्पन्नकिया फिर उसके लालन पालन में लग गये |यहभी अनिवार्य है किन्तु इसी फंसे रह जाना उचितनहीं | हम कब अपने लिए समय देतें हैं | बसजरा सा इससे बाहर निकलेकी हमारी यात्रा आरम्भ हुई परमात्मा के तरफ बहुतआसान है बस जरा मनोबल को मजबूत करनेकी आवश्यकता है और बाहर निकलनेकी चेष्टा चाहिए |भौतिक शास्त्र में एक सिद्धांत है ऊर्जा का क्षयनहीं होता सिर्फ रूपांतरण होता है और यह बिलकुलसत्य है | कुण्डलिनी शक्ति जगाने के कर्म में बसइसी सिद्धांत का प्रयोग किया जाता है |वहशक्ति जो हमारे कण कण में बह रही है उसेसुनियोजित करके एक विशेष विधि द्वारा एक विशेषस्थान तक पहुँचाया जाए | कौन सा स्थान है वहजहाँ उस शक्ति को पहुंचाना है ,वह है सिर में स्थित"सहस्त्रार चक्र" बस विशेषउर्जा को वहाँ पहुंचा देना है फिर आनंद की शुरुआतहो गयी |तो आइये शुरुआत करते हैं

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :

Awakening due to SHAKTIPAT...'Shaktipat' involves the transfer of the spiritual energy

Awakening due to SHAKTIPAT...'Shaktipat' involves the transfer of the spiritual energy. This method to awaken kundalini is performed by your guru or mentor. In this method, the awakening is instant, but it is not permanent. When the awakening is done with the help of guru, you will experience "samadhi" even without proper preparation. You will be able to do all asanas and pranayamas withour having learned them and prepared for them. Changes takes place in physical body immediately and skin becomes soft and eyes glow and a divine aura develops around your body. The shaktipat can be done by physical touch or from a distance. The medium for shaktipat depends upon your guru and his choice. It is very difficult to say that who is eligible for the shaktipat. You may have lived as a renunciate for 50 years, still you may not get it. You may be a normal person, living a non spiritual life, eating all types of junk food, even then your guru may give you shaktipat. Your eligibility for shaktipat does not depend on your lifestyle but it depends on the point of evolution which you have reached and that can be identified by your guru only


Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :

क्या एक निर्जीव चित्र, सजीव मानव पर प्रभाव डाल सकता है ?

क्या एक निर्जीव चित्र, सजीव मानव पर प्रभाव डाल सकता है ?

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

A special presentation of the Mantra Diksha program will be telecast on the following TV channel as per the schedule below: 
TV Channels
Aug 2013
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 
Zee News
For more information : 

Call :0291-2753699
Email :